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Lemon Balm: A Versatile Herb for Cooking, Wellness, and Hair Health

Lemon Balm: A Versatile Herb for Cooking, Wellness, and Hair Health

So, let’s talk about Lemon Balm. What is Lemon Balm? Lemon Balm (scientifically known as Melissa officinalis) is a medicinal plant known for its rich content of biologically active compounds. Read on to learn about its vast array of health benefits for the mind and body.
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The Truth About DHT: Why Blocking it Could Be Key To Preventing Hair Loss

The Truth About DHT: Why Blocking it Could Be Key To Preventing Hair Loss

With hair loss becoming a common search term on these internet streets, the phrase DHT-blocker is slowly becoming a household name.  But what is DHT? And, more importantly, why are we trying to block it? Wellness is our specialty, so we are so glad you asked…
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Understanding Water Hardness: How Soft, Hard, and Distilled Water Affect Your Hair Care Routine

Understanding Water Hardness: How Soft, Hard, and Distilled Water Affect Your Hair Care Routine

Have you ever shampooed your hair while on vacation and felt a drastic difference in the way your hair feels? It is probably due to the water. Water quality plays a pivotal role in many aspects of daily life, affecting everything from personal health and hygiene to the longevity of household plumbing and the efficiency of appliances.  It also significantly impacts hair care, and we don’t talk about it enough. Understanding the difference between hard and soft water can illuminate why certain hair problems persist and help find practical solutions.
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Perimenopause Explained: Essential Tips, Foods, and Supplements for a Smooth Transition

Perimenopause Explained: Essential Tips, Foods, and Supplements for a Smooth Transition

Since we collectively decided 2024 is the year of the truth, let’s finally be honest about the challenges of being a woman facing perimenopause. We often sugarcoat puberty and pregnancy/childbirth challenges, and it’s high time we talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of perimenopause. And if you are wondering what perimenopause is, this is just the blog for you.
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The Beauty Protein: How Collagen Restores Hair and Invigorates Skin

The Beauty Protein: How Collagen Restores Hair and Invigorates Skin

In the beauty and health industries, collagen gets a lot of great press for its potential to revitalize and rejuvenate aging skin and hair. In this blog, we'll delve deeper into what collagen is, explore its pivotal roles in the body, and uncover how incorporating collagen into your diet can benefit your hair and overall health.

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Magnesium: The Wellness Warrior in Your Corner

Magnesium: The Wellness Warrior in Your Corner

Magnesium plays a crucial role in the body, influencing everything from muscle function to energy production. Yet, despite its significance, magnesium deficiency is increasingly common. This blog aims to shed light on magnesium's critical functions, the signs of deficiency, and how to ensure adequate intake for optimal health.
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NOURISH + HYDRATE + CARE - The Cycle of Hair Wellness to Live By

NOURISH + HYDRATE + CARE - The Cycle of Hair Wellness to Live By

In the pursuit of beautiful, healthy hair, we often seek quick fixes and temporary solutions. However, true hair wellness requires a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of common issues like hair loss and breakage. Let's delve into the NOURISH+HYDRATE+CARE approach to learn why it's the cycle to live by.
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Hair Wellness Through Meal Plans for Budgeting Busy Queens

Hair Wellness Through Meal Plans for Budgeting Busy Queens

While life is expensive, hair health doesn’t have to be. With limited funds, you can still invest in your healthy future by committing to wholesome, nutritious foods and an active lifestyle. We will save the exercise convo for another blog, but let’s talk about food. 
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Challenging Stereotypes and Disrupting the Industry: Black Owned, Made For All

Challenging Stereotypes and Disrupting the Industry: Black Owned, Made For All

Throughout human history, hair has not only been a biological feature but a powerful medium of self-expression, reflecting our identities, heritage, and pride. However, the traditional haircare landscape has often magnified our differences, creating rifts and misconceptions. NU Standard seeks to challenge this status quo, aspiring to unify individuals under a shared pursuit: the universal goal of achieving healthy hair.
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A Love Letter to You...#RespectTheStrand

A Love Letter to You...#RespectTheStrand

This is our love letter to the magnificent humans from every corner of the globe, each graced with a crown of textured wonders. We see you, we love you, we celebrate you. You matter.


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Is Breakage Inevitable for Textured Hair?

Is Breakage Inevitable for Textured Hair?

Our hair tells a story. It’s a tale of heritage, resilience, and personal style. Yet, in the vast narrative of beauty, some pressures and ideologies influence women to alter their natural hair to achieve impossible beauty standards, which inevitably cause unnecessary stress. These pressures are not only causing stress to our strands; they are changing the stories our hair wishes to tell. 
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Dry Hair, Dry Skin, Dry Everything?  The Power of Hydration From the Inside Out

Dry Hair, Dry Skin, Dry Everything? The Power of Hydration From the Inside Out

You know how they say water is life? Well, they weren't just trying to sound poetic. In fact, science backs it up big time. So let's take a look at why water is the MVP of our well-being.
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Why You Need a Hair Professional: Benefits of Expert Care for Healthy Hair

Why You Need a Hair Professional: Benefits of Expert Care for Healthy Hair

In an age where instant gratification is sought after, and the DIY hair treatment trend is on the rise (thanks to social media and countless online tutorials), the true value of professional care cannot be emphasized enough. As the lockdowns in 2020 taught us, hair care is best left to the professionals who continuously study the craft to keep hair looking and feeling its best. Disagree? Let's talk about it…

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woman holding flowers in the sun

Summer Lovin' for Your Textured Hair: Top 10 Tips to Beat the Heat!

Are you ready to unleash your stunning textured hair and conquer the summer like a boss? Get ready for some sizzling tips to keep your locks looking fabulous in both dry and humid climates.
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Environmental Hair Havoc: Defining Stressors and Conquering the Damage!

Environmental Hair Havoc: Defining Stressors and Conquering the Damage!

From sun to pollution, our hair encounters numerous environmental stressors that can wreak havoc. But fear not! We've got your back with a guide to understanding these culprits and some savvy tips to mitigate the damage.
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The Top Reasons to Grow Your Own Food: Boost Your Health, Reduce Stress, and Improve Your Well-Being

The Top Reasons to Grow Your Own Food: Boost Your Health, Reduce Stress, and Improve Your Well-Being

Have you ever thought about how long it takes for produce to reach your plate after it's been harvested? The truth is, by the time fruits and vegetables make it to the supermarket, they may have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value. And that is only one of many reasons why it's important to consider growing your own food.
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Decoding the Hair Growth Cycle and Understanding How We Shed: An Overview of Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen Phases

Decoding the Hair Growth Cycle and Understanding How We Shed: An Overview of Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen Phases

The hair on our heads, much like nature surrounding us, also has a growing season. But each hair fiber lives its journey and experiences growth and death independent of its surrounding hair fibers. As a result, our hair-growing seasons are much harder to observe. So let’s talk about what a healthy life cycle for hair looks like.

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Sex Wellness is Hair Wellness

Sex Wellness is Hair Wellness

We firmly believe the first step to hair wellness is nourishing the beauty within. While our favorite way to feed the hair from the inside out is through diet, your activity level also plays a vital role in how well different systems within the body function. So when it comes to sex, we suggest lots of consensual, healthy activity with plenty of orgasms for optimum hair growth and wellness.
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NU Year, NU Standard, NU You!

NU Year, NU Standard, NU You!

Healthy hair comes from a healthier you, so we are more than happy to provide the tools you need to achieve your wellness goals. That’s the core of what we are all about—spreading the necessary understandings of hair maintenance for optimal hair wellness. We are setting a NU Standard for a NU and improved you.
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Hair Loss - Quick Tips to Stop and Prevent It

Hair Loss - Quick Tips to Stop and Prevent It

Hair loss is a reality that many people will need to deal with at some point in their lives. To help slow down the process and minimize your risk of hair loss, here are some tips you can use to maintain a healthy and full head of hair.
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Does Stress Turn Hair Gray?

Does Stress Turn Hair Gray?

At one time, researchers believed that hair turning gray due to stress was an old wive's tale. But more recent research suggests there's some truth to this idea. They now believe that stress may not directly cause hair to turn gray but may be a contributing factor.

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How to Get Enough Vitamin D in Winter 

How to Get Enough Vitamin D in Winter 

Unlike most of the nutrients the human body needs, vitamin D isn't mainly gained from the food you eat. For most of the year, it's manufactured by the body when sunlight shines on exposed skin. Unfortunately, in the winter months the amount of available sunlight is lower.  Learn ways to improve vitamin D levels during the winter.
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How to Choose Shampoo and Conditioner for Dry Hair

How to Choose Shampoo and Conditioner for Dry Hair

Dry hair lacks luster and shine. You might wonder what causes it. Several factors contribute to dry hair... 
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5 Tips to Avoid Hair Breakage

5 Tips to Avoid Hair Breakage

If you're tired of hair breakage, it's important to improve the overall health of your hair by obtaining the right nutrients through your diet. Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair roots and weaken follicles. Use bond/peptide system hair products and jojoba oil to instantly lessen hair breakage. Also enjoy a daily scalp massage that can lessen hair breakage due to strengthening hair follicles which produce stronger hair strands. 
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Hair Serum  Silicone Jojoba Oi;

How and when to use hair serums?

Serums are best for all hair types. Because a great one will not weigh the hair down, even the finest textures can benefit from hair serum.  If you brush/comb your hair often, spend time outside, live in an extreme climate, blow dry your hair, use heating tools, or want healthier-looking hair, hair serum is the perfect solution. 
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Shampoo Bar for Hair

Do Shampoo Bars Really Work?

Not all shampoo bars are created equal. But, our WASH N GO™ Butter Bar contains mild surfactants that easily strip away dirt, grime, and product buildup while leaving the sebum intact. The result? The deluxe package of CARE on the go: less breakage, fewer split-ends, less moisture loss, more days between washing, and overall healthier hair. Finer hair types may not require additional conditioning after use.
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Conditioner Bar for Hair

Why are Conditioner Bars best for textured hair?

Our HYDRATE N GO™ Butter Bar is convenient enough to travel anywhere. Want a quick wash and go look without a wash? Simply wet the hair and condition it using the HYDRATE N GO™ Butter Bar. Then, depending on desired hydration, you can rinse it out or leave it in. Your textured hair will dry beautifully. 
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Hair and Scalp Vitamins to combat hair loss from stress


Stress destroys our hair follicles, and we aren’t talking about it enough. Sometimes we don’t realize we are stressed until it’s too late. And when those clusters of hair fall out, it causes even more stress. But we’re stopping the cycle. You deserve better. This is how we NOURISH.
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At NU Standard®, we look to hairstylists for treating and preventing damage from physical stressors like heating tools, chemical treatments, and excess friction from styling. Just as you would reach out to a primary care doctor for regular physicals to prevent health complications, we recommend regularly seeing a hairstylist to help treat and avoid damage to your hair. 
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Textured Curly Hair Conditioning Hair


When it comes to caring for your hair, the universal goal should be to prevent split ends, damage, and breakage. We recognize that process may look different for different hair textures, but for us, care means using products that help protect the hair from the environment and other physical stressors.
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Crave healthier hair? Here is the ultimate guide to achieving the look you deserve

Crave healthier hair? Here is the ultimate guide to achieving the look you deserve

Does it feel like you shed more than average every time you take a shower? After at-home styling, do you notice broken hair strands along the bathroom counter? Are mental, physical, and environmental stressors interfering with your hair goals? 
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10 Reasons Why You Need To Avoid Stress And Take Control Of Your Happiness

10 Reasons Why You Need To Avoid Stress And Take Control Of Your Happiness

Are you constantly under a lot of pressure? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you taking breaks to heal your mind, body, and spirit? Stress can be overwhelming, and if not managed properly, it can be highly detrimental to your health.

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10 Reasons Drinking Water is Absolutely Necessary For Improving Your Quality Of Life

10 Reasons Drinking Water is Absolutely Necessary For Improving Your Quality Of Life

OK, Queens...let’s talk hydration. Are you getting enough water? And how can you tell? Our bodies are composed of 50%-70% water, and since we expel so much water through urination, perspiration, defecation, and breathing, we have to replenish whatever we lose. Hair, skin, nails, muscles, joints, organs, and bones suffer when we fail to compensate for water loss. Here are 10 reasons why drinking enough water is necessary for improving your quality of life...
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Check Out These Top 5 Healthy Habits For Boosting Hair Growth!

Check Out These Top 5 Healthy Habits For Boosting Hair Growth!

Let’s face it, we all want healthy hair, but we don’t want to spend too much time obsessing over how to get healthy hair. We know you have important things to work on, Busy Queen, so we have compiled a list of the top 5 healthy hair habits for growing longer, stronger, healthier hair. 

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5 Easy Yoga Poses You Will Absolutely Love For Improved Hair Health

5 Easy Yoga Poses You Will Absolutely Love For Improved Hair Health

Along with a healthy diet, exercise helps combat diseases, increase energy, promote better sleep, reduce stress, prevent weight gain, AND improve circulation. Your health is ultimately your hair wealth. For those who prefer a calming workout routine with less sweat (because we know how it is right after getting your hair done), yoga is your best bet.
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