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5 Easy Yoga Poses You Will Absolutely Love For Improved Hair Health

5 Easy Yoga Poses You Will Absolutely Love For Improved Hair Health

Have you ever started a workout regime and later noticed your hair was growing faster? 

Along with a healthy diet, exercise helps combat diseases, increase energy, promote better sleep, reduce stress, prevent weight gain, AND improve circulation. Blood cells carry oxygen and essential nutrients to the hair follicles to grow healthier hair, so better circulation equals improved hair growth.
Your health is ultimately your hair wealth. For those who prefer a calming workout routine with less sweat (because we know how it is right after getting your hair done), yoga is your best bet.

Check out these five easy yoga asanas that you will love for improving your hair growth and overall well-being.

Matsyendrasana (the Spinal Twist)
How to do it:

Sit upright on your mat and bend your right knee. Lift your right leg and place your right foot on the outside of your left thigh. Now, bend your left knee and bring your left heel to your right hip. Both feet should touch the mat while holding this position and keep your hips square. Extend your right arm behind you and touch the mat with your fingertips. Bring your left arm across your right thigh, and as you breathe, twist deeper into the pose. When you are ready, repeat the steps above for the opposite side. The more often you do this pose, the easier it will be--and eventually, you’ll be able to hold your calf with the extended arm. We believe in your strength! (Please note, this pose is not recommended for pregnant women.)

Why it’s great:

This pose is great for digestion and releasing tension in the back. It also helps to improve kidney and liver function. Gut health is essential for maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Adho Mukha Svanasa (Downward-facing dog)
How to do it: 

You are essentially creating a triangle with the floor in this pose. Start standing with your feet hip width apart and bend down to walk your hands out until you are creating a 45 degree angle. Your arms should be square with your hips, and allow your arms to touch your ears. Breathe deeply into this pose for at lease 30 seconds to increase blood flow.

Why it’s great:

For some, lack of circulation is the primary reason for hair loss. This pose packs a punch by ensuring blood carrying oxygen and nutrients reaches the scalp to nourish your hair follicles. Also, it is super easy to do every day.

Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
How to do it:

Lie flat on your back and lift your legs to a 90-degree angle. Then, reach your hips up to the sky, bringing your back completely off the ground. Balance your body weight on your shoulders using your hands to support your back. Breathe deeply and hold for at least 30 seconds. The more you practice this posture, the longer you will be able to hold it. 

Why it’s great: 

While this pose is amazing for boosting circulation to the scalp, it also helps to improve immune function and relieve anxiety and depression. Stress in the body is a common cause of hair loss, and this pose helps to calm the nerves. 

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
How to do it:

Lay on your stomach with your legs straight and toes pointed. With your hands at your armpits and your elbows close to your sides, gently push off of the mat as if to do a pushup, but keep your legs and feet in contact with the mat. As you are pushing up, curl your spine back as if you were trying to aim the top of your head toward your heels. Your arms can remain slightly bent while your hands touch the floor. Breathe into this posture until you feel a good abdominal stretch.
Why it’s great:
This back-bending posture is great for building abdominal strength, relieving stress, boosting circulation, strengthening your back, toning your glutes, and improving reproductive organs and menstrual complications. 

Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)
How to do it:

Begin by kneeling on a mat with your knees hip width apart and your toes pointed behind you. Keeping your thighs perpendicular to the floor, slowly reach back and grab your ankles for support. You can also put your hands on the floor behind you keeping your arms straight. Allow your torso to open and aim your head towards your heels. Breathe deeply reaching your chest towards the sky. 
Why it’s great:

This posture is a powerhouse as it stretches and helps to tone your core, thighs, back, arms, hips, and shoulders all while improving digestion, promoting bowel movements, reducing stress, improving posture, and opening up the chest (which is most beneficial to asthma sufferers). 

So now you are probably wondering, where do I start? Incorporating a few of these poses into your life for even a few minutes a day is beneficial. The more you practice, the deeper your stretches become, the more your flexibility improves, and the more you benefit from the different postures. The best part about yoga is there are tons of other beneficial postures to explore and incorporate into your daily routine along with a healthy diet

As with any exercise, make sure you are inhaling through your nose and exhaling through the mouth and focusing on the breath to relax your mind, body, and spirit. The goal is to release tension and not create it. If you are suffering from any spinal injuries, please consult with your doctor before engaging in any difficult poses. Listen to your body, and if something hurts or feels off, discontinue your practice.

We know busy Queens need time to decompress to manage stress levels, and yoga is a healthy option with a minimal time commitment for those looking to tone their bodies, clear their minds, and improve their overall health. You will grow your healthiest hair once you become your healthiest self. So, cheers to wellness, Queens. You deserve it all!
Interested in incorporating yoga into your daily life? Check out Black Girl Yoga for virtual classes and a supportive online community.
For some awesome yoga mats check out this brand owned by two amazing Black women.


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