Hair Loss and Mental Health: Understanding Roots and Nurturing Resilience
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Let's gently peel back the layers of why hair loss happens. From the food we eat and the air we breathe to the stress we keep bottled up—all of these can take a toll on our hair. Let's discuss it openly and without judgment because you're not alone.
5 Tips to Avoid Hair Breakage
If you're tired of hair breakage, it's important to improve the overall health of your hair by obtaining the right nutrients through your diet. Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair roots and weaken follicles. Use bond/peptide system hair products and jojoba oil to instantly lessen hair breakage. Also enjoy a daily scalp massage that can lessen hair breakage due to strengthening hair follicles which produce stronger hair strands.
Nourishment - The Inside Out Theory
Stress destroys our hair follicles, and we aren’t talking about it enough. Sometimes we don’t realize we are stressed until it’s too late. And when those clusters of hair fall out, it causes even more stress. But we’re stopping the cycle. You deserve better. This is how we NOURISH.