Hair Loss and Mental Health: Understanding Roots and Nurturing Resilience

Do Protective Styles Actually Prevent Damage?
Unfortunately, many protective styles involve incorporating additional hair, and the added weight and tension can lead to traction alopecia. However, there are ways to integrate protective styles into your life without risking semi-permanent hair loss. They can make your life better using the following tips.

The 10 Insider Secrets to Healthy Hair Every Busy Queen Should Know
Tired of getting a haircut instead of a trim, taking your braids or sewin out and hair breakage occurs, or told that your hair cannot grow that long?

The 5 Fabulous Reasons Why Bamboo Extract Is Your New Favorite Ingredient
Bamboo is quite the celebrity in today’s eco-friendly world. This flowering grass is used to build structures, make kitchenware, create textiles, and produce paper products, and now it is taking the cosmetic scene by storm. But why?

10 Simple Tips for Healthy Edges
Just as trees shed leaves in the fall, we Queens naturally shed our hair daily. What happens when we shed more than expected or notice patches of hair missing?While it may be a sign of an underlying condition involving the thyroid or a hormone imbalance, sometimes it is merely from the products we use and the stress that excessive styling may cause...